Recovery for all ... Day 1

1 day old 

Day one as a mom, and I am already exhausted. I am having a really rough time recovering. I completely underestimated how painful and difficult the recovery is of a C-Section, especially one that was done via emergency 11 weeks early. I am in a lot of pain and it's been hard for me.

Nikko has been incredible. He has done every single thing for me, from cleaning me up, getting me anything I need, and has even taken over calling our parents to update any and all information.

Nikko’s mom, Moo Moo, came to visit us today in the hospital. She can come to labor and delivery, but no-one is allowed up to see the baby except for parents. It was really nice to see her and very appreciated that she drove so far.


Baby girl was extubated today and put on the Inca cannula, nasal oxygen CPAP machine. She has a central line in her belly button and a feeding tube. All her tubes are so small. She is so small.  

Her biggest struggle right now is breathing. Sometimes she forgets to breathe and has a vassal vagal episode where her heart rate drops suddenly. Having someone remind her what breathing should look like helps. They call this stimming.

We were able to go up to visit her again. I sleep a lot and moving is painful, so a few quick trips up is all I can manage. 

Gracie is a great hand holder and she loves holding hands with mommy! It's all we are allowed to really do with her. Touches are too much for her young and sensitive skin. 

As a preemie, she receives a lot of sensory input and it is too much for her- it's even painful. One of the nurses reminded us that she is used to being in a dark, warm womb and should be there for 11 more weeks, so sounds, light and touch can be very uncomfortable for her. 

A firm hand on the head is all the touch she can handle right now

I also met with the lactation consultant and started pumping for Gracie. I got some liquid gold and couldn’t be prouder! We learned how important breastmilk is for preemies, especially since they missed out on so much nutrients with their time cut short in the womb. 


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