all the ologys

88 Days Old

Today was a very busy day bedside for Miss Ava Grace. 

We got a visit from (what felt like) every single specialty at the hospital today in preparation for Gracie's surgery tomorrow. 

Within a few hours we saw anesthesiology, cardiology, phlebotomy, genetics, plastics, lactation and pharmacy. 

Gracie had to have a bunch of pre-operation bloodwork and tests. Poor girl has been covid swabbed three times this week! 

Her hemoglobin was borderline, so they will be transfusing her tonight to make sure she is boosted for surgery. Her cardiologist team completed an echo and plastics has a plan!

Surgery is set for around 10 am tomorrow and will last about 45 mins to an hour. We will meet with Dr. Taylor bedside around 7am to go over his surgical plan. We are expecting a lot of swelling, discomfort, pain and possible bleeding. 

We know Gracie is in good hands and has a great team of the most talented people in the country to care for her. 

Anesthesiology has a plan for her during surgery and pharmacy has a plan to keep her pain managed throughout her recovery process. While our team has an amazing plan to keep her comfortable, we have been warned that she may be in such extreme pain that she could destat. 

The thought of watching that happen again is causing us a ton of anxiety and we are trying to prepare ourselves for an extremely difficult week. As a parent, you never want to see your child in pain or suffering. We know she needs this and thankfully she wont remember it. 

Unfortunately, we will never forget it. 

So today, we cuddled and sang, we talked and told stories. Mommy and Daddy both took turns holding our girl. We sat down with doctors and talked over all the possibilities.  We prayed for a good day tomorrow 🙏


We ask our army of loved ones, and ones following Gracie's journey, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. We have one tough little girl  💗




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