Paging Dr. Taylor

89 Days Old

Morning of surgery and we're bedside. I keep fighting back tears. The kind of tears that go along with the lump in the back of your throat and the pit in your stomach. 

Our little girl has had quite the difficult life in just under 3 months. I'm nervous for her recovery, I'm nervous for her pain, I'm nervous for complications. 

I pray for Dr. Taylor's hands, experience and decision making in the OR. I know he's got this. 

Yet here we are, dad never having major surgery in his life and my first being when she came into the world. She is 87 days old and is undergoing more than some adults. It's a lot to process as parents, let alone new parents.

I feel overwhelmed and as a 34 year old woman I just want my mom to hold me and tell me everything will be OK... but now I'm the mom and she doesn't understand when I tell her it will be OK, but I know it will be OK. Maybe not right away... and let me tell you we are NOT looking forward to the right away,  but in a few weeks it will be, and she needs this.

So for now, we tell her we love her,  stroke her beautiful face and wait for surgery. 

🙏 for our baby girl today. 

We love you so dang much Ava Grace! 


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