Self Care ... Thursday?

We've been in fight mode for exactly 90 days now... fighting to get Gracie a diagnosis, fighting to get Gracie to CHOP, fighting to get her the tongue surgery. 

Now that her surgery is complete and she is on the road to recovery, we crashed and we crashed hard. 

After a few hours of napping and checking in on our girl, we decided we needed to have a "self-care day". Well, Daddy decided we did and forced Mommy along...since all I want to do is sit completely helpless by her bedside.

He told me that we know she's okay, she's out of it on her meds, she's healing and she's comfortable. 

He was right. 

I put on some mascara, real jeans, cute shoes and felt like I could conquer the world! 

Today we spent the majority of the day together, around the city of Philadelphia taking a step away from the NICU. doesn't mean that I didn't call the NICU multiple times to check on her- she was fine and being the tiny little rockstar she is...

Meanwhile, Nikko and I walked the streets of downtown, stopped for coffee and popped in Nordstrom Rack- we may have bought Gracie something there ❤

We also stopped by Cleaver's Bar to have some lunch. They have a vaccine mandate here, and asked to see proof of vaccinations- which I appreciated. I was so nervous to be out anywhere, we've been so careful shielding ourselves from Omnicron to keep Gracie safe, but there was only us and one other patron in the place. The food was incredible and we so needed it. 

We then took an uber right to our girl! 

She is doing great post op day 1. She is still extremely swollen, but they were able to start her feeds again today at 1/3 volume of a full feed. She didn't need any rescue pain meds overnight or during the day today, just the morphine and Tylenol IV she is on. 

They also lowered her respiratory rate on the vent. The plan right now is to extubate her on Monday. She even opened her eyes for us!

I am so thankful for today; a much needed break from the extremely long days of the NICU and the never-ending worry of new parents to a medically fragile baby. 

I am so thankful for my hubby, who always forces me to do what is best for me. We had such a great day together. 

And I'm the most thankful that our baby girl is healing, and seems comfortable while doing so. 


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