
Usually the written word comes pretty easily to me, but this is one is hard.

Today is my Dad's birthday. His first birthday in heaven 💔

Last week, I was notified of my father's passing, and to say it's been hard is an understatement. Not only have I lost a parent in a tragic, traumatic way, but I am isolated away from my family and friends. The people who are usually there for you in these times, can't be, because we are here. There are no flowers, no casseroles (who likes casseroles anyway), and worst of all no hugs.

My Dad had a difficult life, filled with many limitations, none of which ever affected how much he loved me. He always let me know that I was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

He showed his love in the ways he knew how and the ways he was capable of- by teaching me to love books, how to dribble a basketball, and to not hit curbs when driving. He took me to Yankees games, out to many dinners, and always wore his Purdue Dad gear.

He used to always say he was proud of me, no matter what.

One of the hardest things is the thought that I'll never see him or speak to him again. I keep thinking he's going to call me back any minute so I can wish him a happy birthday and tell him I miss him.

So, Happy Birthday Daddy. I hope you are reading all the good books, drinking all the black coffee and eating all the pasta heaven has to offer. I miss you and I know, you'd be proud of me today...and you'd be so proud of your little fighter granddaughter.


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