love to love you

Today sucked... yeah I said it. I bet you didn't expect it after seeing that adorable face, but it's the truth.

Today is Valentine's Day. I Love my husband. I love my daughter. They are my forever valentines... all completely true. 

Also true, today was another holiday we are still in the hospital. It's another milestone in the year in which we are not home. Another day in her newborn phase that we are missing. 

Being a NICU parent is hard. You spend so many days holding your breath, whether it's awaiting a test result, attempting a wean, trying to sooth a cranky baby, or attempting a new protocol. The uncertainty and waiting is overwhelming. 

I thought we'd be home by now, or at least on our way. Yet we are far from it.  

Happy first Valentine's Day, baby girl ❤


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