Apparently There's More to Philly than the NICU

 They say that NICU-itus is real and that it is incredibly important for parents to take care of themselves throughout this process. (Well, really, it's important for parents to take care of themselves during the process of parenthood in general.) It does become even more essential when you are in a high stress ICU room for 10+ hours a day with no windows to the outside world, and in a foreign city without any family of friends around. 

I KNOW it is important, but my gosh it is difficult! When she is not stable, things can change so rapidly that you are almost afraid to not be there. Then when she is stable and alert you want to be there to not miss any interaction time. 

One out of the two of us can easily recognize the importance of tearing yourself away from the hospital (I'll let you guess which one of us that is). 

So with much coercing, from Nikko and our nurse, we spent a few hours exploring Philly outside of the walls of CHOP. 

We didn't do anything major, as we are VERY careful to not expose Gracie (or any other NICU babies) to big germs, but we did get out. 

We spent our time walking across the bridge from University City to Rittenhouse Square. It's about a 30 minute walk from the hospital to this great taco place called Rosie's Tacos. 

Side note: just the act of getting outside and walking is amazing for your mental health. Highly recommend.

Rosies has fresh air seating, where we could order margaritas, guac and tacos without being uncomfortable surrounded by people unmasked. 

While walking, we took in all the sunshine, the people watching, shared laughter with eahother and made plans for our next "self-care day". (A trip to Ikea I was promised)

The walk back was much quicker and easier with a margarita *or two* on board. 

And guess what? Gracie was just fine when we got back. She was happy to see us and she slept all of the time we were away. 

While I needed convincing- and I always will because I will always have the mom guilt of being away from my baby- the time away was so incredibly needed. 

And we are better for it.  


  1. I love you guys! Glad you were able to get out & enjoy some time together outside of the NICU. ❤


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