Gracie, meet your grandmas

There's a special bond between parent and child. I never quite understood it until I became a parent myself. Sure, my mom and I have always been incredibly close, but until you feel the love you have for your own child,  you can't possibly understand it in its entirety.

Today Gracie got to meet both her grandmothers for the very first time. 

It's been 149 days Gracie has been alive and for all 149 days she has been hospitalized in a world filled with COVID (and COVID restrictions). 

Not a single person in either of our families have gotten to meet Miss Gracie...until today. 

I think my mom put it really well. You take for granted so many things in life. People have babies, then they come home...until they don't. And we didn't. 

The hospital just opened up their visitors policy and thankfully they were both able to come down and meet her. To say today was special is an understatement. We will never take today for granted. Or quite frankly, any of the other firsts.

Gracie, meet your grandma's! They sure do love you a lot! 



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