Thank You CHOP

Well, we officially have the word that Gracie is no longer medically dependent on CHOP and can now transfer to a rehab center in NY before heading home!

This is huge news for us and the beginning of our last chapter before heading home. 

We are equal parts excited and nervous. Any transition is hard, but learning a new team of nurses, doctors and service providers is a whole different level of hard.

 We've done it before and we certainly will do it now, but that doesn't mean mommy won't need to take a few deep breaths during it 🤣

We know everyone will fall in love with her there as they did at Yale and CHOP. 

All our specialty friends have already started their rounds of visiting bedside to say goodbye to our girl. Today she upgraded to her pediatric sized trach, she has been signed off by her ologies, and insurance has approved the transfer! 

Soon enough we will be in NY as a family of three for the first time since Gracie has been in my belly.  

It's been a long time coming, baby girl,  but you are on your way!! 


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