...and just like that it's been a 1/2 a year

 What seems like in a blink of an eye, 6 months have gone by and we are celebrating Gracie girl's half birthday. 

In all honesty, I never understood celebrating a baby's half birthday before, but after her traumatic entrance and start in this world, it feels like a huge milestone. 

Gracie is now 15 pounds and 14 ounces. She is in the 93% for height on the adjusted scale and 84% for weight.  It's a far cry from the 2 lb 13 oz she was at birth. 

She is growing, she is learning and she is thriving. 

Gracie is working on her motor planning and is getting much more coordinated when she wants to hit or reach for an object around her. She is moving her head from one side to the other and has great head control when sitting up on someone's lap or being held. 

She has great focus on objects and people and can easily track them. 

Tummy time is still hard for her as her trach really gets in her way. We are hoping once she is trach collared that will be a bit easier for her. 

Gracie loves being read to and laughs at her favorite parts of the stories.

She also loves to be sang to and we have our bedtime routines. It is my favorite part of the day, but unlike typical babies, it also includes trach care, trach ties and G tube care. 

She wakes up every single day with a smile on her face, even when she is being weaned from her heavy duty meds.   

I am so proud of how far she has come. It's hard to believe where we started and oh my gosh, I cannot wait to get this girl home! 


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