Gracie goes mobile

We have been waiting and training for this moment. The moment where Gracie Girl gets to leave her room and go mobile!

In order for Gracie to get out of her room and go on walks around the hospital or outside on the  hospital grounds, her caretakers (me and dad) have to be signed off on emergency skills. 

The checklist for taking her outside is extensive and is the same checklist that we would need to show proficiency in in order to take her come and be her primary caregivers. 

Yes, Gracie will be eligible for nursing care while home, but it is often extremely difficult to find home nursing and many times things happen (nurses are sick, inclement weather, etc.) and we would have to be comfortable taking care of her by ourselves. So, Blythedale has an extensive parent education program and hands-on bedside expectations. 

I for one, am grateful. While we are here and have help if something were to happen, we can take over her care and learn how to become confident in maintaining her safety and health. 

One of the most enjoyable things I have ever experienced is being able to take Gracie out and about. We cannot leave the grounds of the hospital, but we can go sit in the sunshine, enjoy lunch and even have visitors outside. 

There is something about us being a family outside of the confines of a hospital room that just makes my heart so happy. So, whenever we can, as often as we can, we go out and enjoy the fresh air!

Gracie is still unsure of the outdoors. So many new sensations, sounds and feels. One thing is for sure, she definitely does not like the sun in her eyes, or even the brightness of the sun. So of course, the girl needed sunglasses. 

...can we just have a moment for the sunglasses?? As if she couldn't get any cuter! 

Also, in true Milton fashion... Blythedale has a salt water fishtank in their main lobby. It is a favorite for both Gracie and her daddy. 


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