Summer of Gracie

 Gracie girl has been inpatient for 8 months. 

8 months. When you think about it, it is just crazy. Absolutely crazy. And I know that many families are inpatient even longer and even more heartbreaking, some families that never make it home with their babes. But most have seen much of the world by 8 months, or at least rode in a car and slept in their rooms.

Nikko and I have been talking a lot about Gracie and how much of the world she hasn't been able to see just yet. No,  don't mean taking a trip to Paris or Disney, I just mean her world. The park, the grocery store, the beach or pool, seeing animals and trees, meeting family. 

We are making a summer bucket list for our girl. Things to do with her, her world to show her. And we will try our very best to make it happen. 

I would totally be lying if I didn't admit doing ANYTHING with her didn't immediately cause me to panic, but we are going to try. Us- her suction machine, ambu bag, oxygen tank, and emergency bag!

Here is to The Summer of Gracie!

Wish us luck! 


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