Gracie Girl Goes to the Zoo

The summer of Gracie continues and this girl is living her best life! 

This week we had our first big public outing and took Gracie to the Bronx Zoo!

We went with Gracie's grandma, her Great Aunt Jackie and Michelle, our nurse. 

First of all, let me tell you how amazing the medical accommodations are at the Bronx Zoo. They allow for a caregiver pass. So Gracie's nurse can accompany us at no extra charge. I am sure that many places do this, but I had no idea I needed to even ask about it. It took some phone calls and coordinating, but it was nice that we were able to get it done. They also have many areas of the zoo that are not stroller allowed, but because of Gracie's medical needs, they allowed us to have our stroller with us at all times, meaning she did not miss out on any exhibits due to her needs. 

I could tell you Gracie absolutely loved the zoo, but in all honesty, I am not sure she saw a single animal. She did however, have the time of her life posing for photos. This girl ABSOLUTELY loves a photo op! 

Oh and I guess you can say she really enjoyed her first ferris wheel ride. All smiles for that one! 


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