Oh Snap

If you know anything about me in real life, you know that (much to Nikko's dismay) I love a photo.

I can look at any photo of any time and it instantly brings me right back to that season of life. I can almost always remember how I felt that day, what was happening in our lives. I truly treasure photos- and bonus points if they can be taken by people who know what they are doing 😅

Last year, Nikko and I were pregnant with our miracle baby but unclear of our baby's future. We had some prenatal scan scares and just didn't know what would happen. However, we were cautiously optimistic and while guarding our hearts, simultaneously excited and hopeful about our future. We took our annual trip to the beach with Nikko's family and that year we decided to have family photos taken on the beach. Nikko and I were going to take our announcement photos and we would also take photos with the rest of the family- Nikko's parents, his little sister who is a teenager, his brother and two nephews. 

By chance I stumbled upon photographers Tom and Lauren. Their company, Focal Bright, had started just two years prior and they were the sweetest and most patient team. The photos came out amazing and we used them to tell the world Baby Milton was on her way! 

So of course this year, with Gracie in tow (and Great Grandma's along for the trip), I reached out to Tom and Lauren to take our photos again. And let me tell you- They did not disappoint! 

So for the world to see- Gracie's official photographer debut!


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