Ten month updates

 Well, Gracie girl is now ten months old! She has been home for two months and is really starting to take off! 

She just started crawling and is enjoying being able to be mobile. 

Gracie loves herself a supermarket! We took her out for the first time ever to the supermarket. She loves looking at all the colors of the produce and the flowers! She was enjoying it so much that she couldn't even look away to smile for the camera! 


Mommy and Daddy were in a wedding and left Gracie with one of her nurses all day and all night! The reunion the next morning when mommy went to wake her up in the morning was priceless! 

All our friends at Mommy's school started back. We of course, had to wish them a happy first day! 

Gracie also went to TJ Maxx for the first time ever! Peep the emergency bag and suction machine in the cart! It's not easy, but it's possible! 

Gracie had to have her check in with her ultrasound and bloodwork for her BWS. All things came back great! 

Gracie Girl got to experience her first trip to Target. Mommy and her got to share a Starbucks drink :) 

We also rocked some pretty great early fall outfits! 


Gracie also started playing peek-a-boo. It is the cutest thing ever- enjoy the video! 

Having her home where she belongs is one of the greatest joys of our lives. The best part is seeing her play in her room, which once was my room growing up. 


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