Welcome home Duke!

We have been very fortunate this entire journey to have family be able to step in where we couldn't. 

One of those places has been when it comes to Duke, our dog, and first child. 

Duke is equal parts amazing and awful. He is cuddly and sweet, protective and loyal...but he also believes that his one true job in this world is alert the world when there is life outside of our home- children playing on the street, cars entering the neighborhood, package delivered, and God forbid... something on TV! 

Naturally, we were a little concerned bringing home Gracie to him. 

We also felt that it was important to adjust to life with Gracie prior to trying to juggle him and her. We did know that eventually it would be the right time to bring him home...and this was it. 

So it started with him visiting for a few hours before returning to my mom's (Gamma) house. 

Day one went well.... Gracie was ready for him to be GONE

Day 2 she allowed him to sit next to her while she ate in her high chair.

Again, he may be close, but not too close 

As the week went on, she allowed him to get closer and closer. 

I think before we know it, she and he will be best of friends! 


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